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How it started

The Journey of the First Book

From Idea to Ink: A Writer's Journey

2015 - 2016

This is a paragraph area where you can include any information you’d like. It’s an opportunity to tell a story about the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this space to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.

Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.

The planning and devising stage was dreary for me. I wanted to compose a plain sailing yet "sui generis" piece of writing. However, I couldn’t make up my mind on the topic/issue my book should be revolving around. My sedulous attempts made me do a lot of late-night brainstorming and researches.

Just one ordinary witching hour, it hit me. I am going to write about self- development. Yes. I am aware it sounds like a run-of-the-mill kind of genre. There are tons of authors out there that have published their masterpiece. I started to dwell in my thoughts again. How can I make this one exceptional from the rest?


Many months passed by. I know that I have to come up with a notable way of presenting my very common self-development book. I hit my eureka moment. I wanted to present my self-development in mirror written format. I couldn’t remember the exact day and time it hit me. But I knew, this is it. I devoted my time and energy to researching more about mirror writing. Mirror-writing is the practice of writing letters, words, or sentences backward to make them seem normal when viewed in a mirror.

​Leonardo Da Vinci implemented it to write his personal notes. Leonardo not only wrote in a unique type of shorthand that he created himself, but he also mirrored his work, starting on the right side of the page and turning to the left. He only wrote in the usual direction when he was composing something for other people. It isan eccentric way of writing and certainly piques the interest of the readers to cognize more about the topic. I know that it is basic human nature to interpret and translate a piece of coded or strange information into a comprehensible form. I had realized that I found what I want to do. The upcoming year would be the year where I work for this first piece of mine.

2018 - 2020

I devoted this entire year to researching mirror writing formats and their impacts on different individuals. My research involved extensive use of the internet and frequent visits to the National Library of Malaysia. The year flew by, filled with research and case studies.

I felt confident this year. After spending a year conducting thorough research, I knew I had everything I needed to start writing. I spent my days crafting the perfect manuscript for this book. It was not easy; I was often met with sleepless nights, burning the midnight oil to perfect my manuscript. Deep down, I knew this would be my final piece.

The government announces the lockdown. It was sudden glitch for the entire country but not for me. I continued to make progress with my manuscript. Before submitting it officially to the relevant bodies, I did my thorough checking over and over again. I wanted my manuscript to be error-free and perfect. From the spell checking to fragment checking, I gave my entire attention to this. On 2021, I have published the book successfully.

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